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Grand Junction, CO 81505


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Colorado Enhances Chain Regulations for Commercial Motor Vehicles

Colorado Expanded CMV Chain Laws

Colorado Enhances Chain Regulations for Commercial Motor Vehicles.
The Colorado State Patrol is set to enforce new regulations regarding chain requirements for commercial motor vehicles (CMVs). These updated rules are part of the recently enacted Colorado Senate Bill 24-100, which takes effect last week, August 7, 2024. New signage will be installed in relevant areas to inform CMV operators about these changes. Previously, the chain requirement applied only to CMVs traveling on I-70 between Dotsero and Morrison. Now, any CMV weighing over 16,000 lbs must carry a minimum of four snow chains when traveling on the following routes:

  • I-70 west of milepost 259 (Morrison)
  • Colorado Hwy 9 from milepost 63 to milepost 97 (Frisco to Fairplay)
  • Route 40 west of milepost 256 (Empire)
  • US Route 50 west of milepost 225 (Salida)
  • US Route 160 west of MP 250 (Morrison)
  • US Route 550 from milepost 0 to milepost 130 (Stateline south of Durango to Montrose)

Additionally, there are lane restrictions for CMVs; they are prohibited from using the left lane on the following stretches:

  • Glenwood Canyon
  • Dowd Junction (the winding section of I-70 between Avon and Vail)
  • The western side of Vail Pass
  • The tunnel grade surrounding both sides of the Eisenhower-Johnson tunnels
  • Georgetown Hill
  • Floyd Hill

CMV operators who fail to comply with the chain requirements may incur fines range up to $1,000 plus additional surcharges. The fines for commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) that don’t comply with the chain law are:

  • No chains: A fine of up to $500 plus a $79 surcharge
  • Chains required but not used: A fine of $500 plus a $79 surcharge
  • Chains required but not used and the vehicle blocks traffic: A fine of $1,000 plus a $157 surcharge

The chain law applies to all large vehicles, regardless of whether they’re used for private or commercial purposes. The law requires that all drive tires have chains or alternate traction devices such as Onspot Automatic Tire Chains.

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) will notify the public when the chain law is in effect. They use:

  • Static and electronic variable message signs
  • Radio channels
  • The CDOT travel website (cotrip.org)
  • Phone message system
  • Email
  • Text
  • Other automated personal notification systems

Colorado Enhances Chain Regulations with the goal of reducing traffic disruptions and road closures, especially on steep incline roadways.

Contact Diesel Performance today to schedule your Onspot Automatic Tire Chains.


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