2493 Commerce Blvd.

Grand Junction, CO 81505


M-F 8 to 5

Diesel Performance’s Tandem Axle-Chassis Dyno

We have the only heavy-duty Tandem Axle-Chassis Dyno between Denver and Salt Lake City. The Dyno is rated at 1000 horsepower. We can verify that engine performance is up to specification and perform engine diagnostics under load conditions.

Our Tandem Axle-Chassis Dyno
• Identifies driveline problems
• Provides verification shop repairs are completed correctly
• Simulates real-world load conditions and varying terrain
• Troubleshoot inside cab with DDDL, Cat ET, Cummins INSITE™ and other systems
• Documents test results and generate performance graphs
• We can conduct controlled break-ins after engine rebuild
• Helps determine trade-in value

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